A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until midnight of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) after the enrollment contract is signed. A full refund will also be made to any student who cancels enrollment within the student’s first three scheduled class days, except that the school may retain not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged, as well as items of extra expense that are necessary for the portion of the program attended and stated separately on the enrollment agreement.


  1. Refund computations will be based on scheduled course time of class attendance through the last date of attendance. Leaves of absence, suspensions and school holidays will not be counted as part of the scheduled class attendance.
  2. The effective date of termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) The last day of attendance if the student is terminated by the school. (b) The date of receipt of written notice from the student; or (c) Ten school days following the last date of attendance.
  3. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and if after expiration of the 72-hour cancellation privilege the student does not enter school, not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged shall be retained by the school for the entire residence program or synchronous distance education course.
  4. If a student enters a residence or synchronous distance education program and withdraws or is otherwise terminated after the cancellation period, the school or college may retain not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged for the entire program. The minimum refund of the remaining tuition and fees will be the pro rata portion of tuition, fees, and other charges that the number of hours remaining in the portion of the course or program for which the student has been charged after the effective date of termination bears to the total number of hours in the portion of the course or program for which the student has been charged, except that a student may not collect a refund if the student has completed 75 percent or more of the total number of hours in the portion of the program for which the student has been charged on the effective date of termination.
  5. Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, such as books, tools, or other supplies are to be handled separately from refund of tuition and other academic fees. The student will not be required to purchase instructional supplies, books and tools until such time as these materials are required. Once these materials are purchased, no refund will be made. For full refunds, the school can withhold costs for these types of items from the refund if they were necessary for the portion of the program attended and separately stated in the enrollment agreement. Any such items not required for the portion of the program attended must be included in the refund.
  6. A student who withdraws for a reason unrelated to the student’s academic status after the 75 percent completion mark and requests a grade at the time of withdrawal shall be given a grade of “incomplete” and permitted to re-enroll in the course or program during the 12-month period following the date the student withdrew without payment of additional tuition for that portion of the course or program.
  7. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases:
    1. An enrollee is not accepted by the school.
    1. If the course of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student from completing the course; or
    1. If the student’s enrollment was procured because of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or representations by the owner or representatives of the school.

A full or partial refund may also be due in other circumstances of program deficiencies or violations of requirements for career schools and colleges.


A student of the school or college who withdraws from the school or college as a result of the student being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National Guard may elect one of the following options for each program in which the student is enrolled:

  • If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal, a prorated refund of any tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal.
  • A grade of incomplete with the designation “withdrawn-military” for the courses in the program, other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the student’s transcript, and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the date the student is discharged from active military duty without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or
  • The assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:
    • satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the program; and
    • demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for completing the program. The payment of refunds will be totally completed such that the refund instrument has been negotiated or credited into the proper account(s), within 60 days after the effective date of termination.


  1. Refund computations will be based on the period of enrollment computed on the basis of course time (clock hours).
  2. The effective date of termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last date of attendance; or (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student.
  3. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and the student does not enter school, not more than $100 shall be retained by the school.
  4. If the student fails to enter the program, withdraws, or is discontinued at any time before completion of the program, the student will be refunded the pro rata portion of tuition, fees, and other charges that the number of class hours remaining in the program after the effective date of termination bears to the total number of class hours in the program.
  5. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due in each of the following cases:
    1. an enrollee is not accepted by the school.
    1. if the program of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student from completing the program; or
    1. if the student’s enrollment was procured because of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentations by the owner or representatives of the school.

Attendance: Every student is required to be present and on time for all scheduled classes. If a student has an emergency, we will refer to the readmission/cancellation and or refund policy. If a student is absent for one, but no more than two days, he or she must make up the missed time in addition to the scheduled class hours. If a student is continuously more than fifteen minutes late for class, the time will be recorded. In the event the tardiness adds up to four or more hours, it will be considered as a missed class. If more than two class days are missed, he or she will be terminated from the program. At this time, we would refer to the cancellation/refund policy. Students may not clock in early unless an instructor is present and available for instruction.

 **FEE: $15/per hour for Make-Up class**

Policy of progress:

Students must maintain a grade of 70% or higher to still attend a program. Students may not be absent for more than two days of class. Military students may not miss more than 20% of any class they are taking.

Progress reports: Students are given a verbal report at the end of each week as to their status in the class. A written grade report will be provided upon request only.

Policy for Readmission: If a student has an emergency and must terminate their enrollment, he or she can return when a solution is found. Recycled students are not eligible for any refund of program fees. Students can only recycle to the next scheduled class. If the student does not return to the class, the cancellation/refund policy would be in effect.

Job Placement: Job placement is not guaranteed. All Students are informed of this regulation on the day of orientation as well as in the catalog. Elite Nurse Aide Training will give out verbal references for every student on the day of graduation. Written references will be made per student request.

Job Research skills: Job leads, resumes and how to conduct an interview are not included in the curriculum. Amazing G. Nurse Aide Training offers this service if requested by the student on an individual basis.

Absences: it is prohibited for any student to be absent on either the first or second day of class. The maximum number of days a student may be absent is two (2). Hours are mandatory, a doctor’s note does not excuse student absences.

Tardiness: If you are tardy, one (1) minute after the start time of class, you will be required to stay after class to make up the time. After 15 minutes, it is considered an absence and will be treated as such.

Make-up Work: Students who must be absent or otherwise miss class work/tests, must make up said work after class when Instructor is available. There is an additional fee for make-up classes ($15.00/hr.).

Interruption or termination for unsatisfactory work or attendance: (3 strike rule) student will be given three notifications of unsatisfactory progress/participation. After the third such notification, students will be terminated. There is to be NO SLEEPING and NO CELL PHONE use during class, lab, or clinicals.

1st offense – You will receive verbal warning.

2nd offense – You will receive a written statement. 3rd offense – You WILL be asked to leave the program.

Grading System

90 – 100% = A

80 – 89% = B

70 – 79% = C

Percentages under 70% are unsatisfactory. The lowest satisfactory passing grade is 70%. Students are required to take a daily test over the material covered the previous day. If a student misses a scheduled test because of a tardy, he or she will receive a zero as a grade on that test. Make-up tests will be allowed with a doctor’s excuse. If a student is not able to maintain a 70% grade average, he or she will be terminated, and the cancellation/refund policy would be in effect.

Unsatisfactory Progress: three exams under 70%, tardiness (three unexcused,) two unexcused absences. Students who reach this unsatisfactory level of progress will be put on a probationary period for the duration of class. I understand that my certificate of completion and my transcript may be withheld if I have not fulfilled my financial obligations to this institution at the time of my graduation. (This will include financial assistance.)


It is the policy of this school to require students to use professional, courteous behavior in the classroom and in the field.

  1. Students are expected to have the necessary materials and be always punctual.
  2. When participating in class, only ONE student should talk at a time.
  3. The school encourages friendliness, but NEVER familiarity with staff or patients.
  4. In the lab, there will be no playing with equipment or lying or sitting on the beds except in mock clinical practicum.
  5. Students that harass, threaten, or use inappropriate language with fellow students, staff, or patients shall be terminated from the school immediately.
  6. Students must obtain their CPR, TB test or CXR two days prior to clinical starting. If a student does not comply with the CPR & health requirements for clinical, they will not be allowed to participate in the clinical portion of the course delaying their completion, and certification exam eligibility.


Wearing apparel shall be such that it does not disrupt the classroom atmosphere. Short shorts, halters, or other wearing apparel with suggestive messages are not appropriate.

Uniforms/Scrubs will be worn from the third day of class through the remainder of the course. Uniforms/scrubs will only be worn in school and at the clinical site. Wearing scrubs in public places such as bars is not permitted.

The students must follow the school dress code in its policies and procedures manuals. A copy of the dress code will be issued to students on the first day of class. The school scrub color is Navy blue.


Smoking will be permitted only at the back of the building and is restricted to lunch break time. No smoking is allowed in the classroom, lab and break room.